Cover Larpzeit – Sommer Sonderausgabe 2022
Good evening my dears today I want to present to you the new cover of the summer edition of the LARPzeit! You can see Invictus an me on the cover with our fantasy oriental outfits – a big Thank You to you Heike for making this possible
(Unpaid advertisement) You can get your copy of the LARPzeit at all big larp events this summer, for example at the Conquest of Mythodea – btw who will be there this year and who will I be able to meet in which camp ?
In the magazine you can also read our interview that we did for our small LARP-movie project „Azukas Reise“ – there will be an update soon, we are at it !!!
Photographing and editing of this wonderful picture was done by Thomas Kilian – Soulcatcher Photography – thank you so much this is one of our most favorite pictures together
Faithfully yours, Mia