Mia Shinda wallcalendar 2024 – available now :D
Good evening my dears it is finally the time to reveal the new „Mia Shinda Wallcalendar 2024“! It is now available!
As always it is in DINA3 format (flat, 240g paper and spiral binding, this year without cover foil).
The calendar is a bit more pricey this year because we payed much attention that the calendars were printed climate-neutral!
This year we also have a special, you can get the calendar with an extra poster which is signed by Thomas Kilian – Soulcatcher Photography and myself. The extra 10€ you pay for the poster goes to a 100%-donation to: https://www.nabu.de/index.html
All pictures of the calendar and the poster „Schroedingers Cat“ is as always unpublished and new !
Here you can buy the calendar WITHOUT the poster:
Here you can buy the calendar WITH the signed poster:
(the 10€ are going to be donated to the Nabu by Thomas and me)
If you want I will also sign your calendar and write a small birthday wish onto it, just write it in the order! Thank you !
A big Thank You goes to Thomas Kilian – Soulcatcher Photography who did the editing and the photographs with me and to Adi Ian Hale for the editing of the calender and the cover
Many thanks to all for your support
Yours, Mia

Special Poster „Schroedingers cat“